Chibbada Harshale (Muskmelon pudding)

A delicious quick and easy to make healthy dessert, the muskmelon pudding is so refreshing and soothing, it will take you to heaven. 

If you have coconut milk readily available, it takes minutes to make this super delicious post lunch or dinner desserts. 

Muskmelon pudding
Muskmelon- one medium size : striped one works best
Jaggery - 1/4 cup grated or as per the sweetness required
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
Coconut milk - 1 cup thick and 1 cup thin
Thin rice flakes/poha - 1 handful (optional) 

Firstly extract the coconut milk (both thick and thin) from fresh coconut gratings if you don't have ready made. 
In a large glass bowl, pour the thin coconut milk and add jaggery powder with cardamom, mix well and allow it to dissolve completely. 
Wash and peel muskmelon, one half cut into tiny bite size pieces and the other half just squeeze with your hand roughly. Add the thick coconut milk, cut fruit and the squashed fruit to the coconut/jaggery mixture,  mix well and put in refrigerator for an hour or two. 
This can be served in glass bowls as it is or just before serving add the rice flakes mix well and serve. 

In my house we eat without the rice flakes and children love this a lot. 
