Jigarthanda recipe

Madurai Jigarthanda recipe


1/2 liter full fat milk
1/2 liter any milk
4 tbsp + 4 tbsp sugar
Nannari sharbath as required
Badam gondh or badam pisin as required
200 ml fresh cream


You have to start your preparation one day before to make Jigarthanda. 

Soak the badam pisin overnight in water as required and keep in fridge. 
Firstly boil the full fat milk nicely in a low flame until it reduces to 1 cup. Keep stirring and keep scraping the cream into the milk, add the 4 tbsp sugar mix well and Switch off. 
In another pan, heat the other 4 tbsp sugar and allow it to caramelize and 2/3 tbsp water to make it into a liquid syrup. 
Once the milk Cools down, add half of the caramel syrup and mix well. And then add the fresh cream and blend in a mixture and store for two hours in freezer in an air tight box. 
Next similarly, take the other half liter milk and reduce it to half by boiling and cool it down and add the remaining caramel syrup and refrigerate it until use. 
Once the frozen milk mixture is taken out, blend again in mixer and freeze again for 6 hours similarly. This will form the ice cream. 

Now comes the time to assemble and relish... 
Take a tall glass and add 1 big spoon of badam pisin and then 2 tbsp of nannari sharbath (concentrate) and the add enough cold milk until the glass fills, this is the milk we have stored and mix well. Now add a scoop of ice cream and decorate with few drops of nannari sharbath. Ready to serve
