Apple Cake Recipe - Iyengar bakery

How to make easy Iyengar bakery style Apple cake at home


4 cups crumbled sponge cake or sweet bread

3/4 cup sugar

1/3 cup Water

2.5 tbsp cocoa powder

3 tbsp milk powder

3 tbsp butter

1/2 cup dessicated coconut + little for rolling the cake


Firstly measure the crumbled cup cake - 4 cups and keep aside. 

Take a thick bottom pan and add sugar plus water, heat it and stir until a sticky solution is formed and no need of one string consistency. Now switch off the stove. Add the cocoa powder and mix well. Then add milk powder and mix well. Next add the dessicated coconut and mix well. Now add the butter and mix well. After it's mixed well. Add the crumbled cake and mix well without lumps. It forms a sticky dough. If it looks watery add few more spoons of cake/bread crumbs. 

Now put it back on stove and mix continuously on low to medium flame. Until it forms a huge lump without sticking to pan. Take a small dough and check if it can form a ball without sticking to your hands. Now the cake mix is ready. 

Allow it to cool until warm... Then form the round cakes as per size required and roll in the dessicated coconut mixture. Allow it to cool to room temperature before consuming. 

Note: you can also use plain Chocolate cake or butter cream cake for this. However, if you use chocolate cake skip the cocoa powder and for butter cream cake skip the butter. 

Tip: you can use the left over cake and biscuits and make the cake too. I have used some left over bread, biscuit and sponge cake to make this. 
