Coconut laddoo recipe

Quick and easy to make sweet for this festival... Coconut laddoo

Diwali sweets... Coconut laddoo without condensed milk


Dessicated or fresh coconut (grate it finely)- 2 cups

Milk - 1.5 cups

Sugar - 1 cup

Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp

Food color (optional)...I have used pink food color few drops

Cashew nuts broken - 2 tbsp

Dessicated or dry coconut grating for final touch


In a heavy pan or kadai, mix the milk and coconut and mix on low heat until milk evaporates. Add color if required. 

Once the milk evaporates... 

Add the sugar, and start mixing on low flame. Stir continuously until all milk evaporates and the mixture thickens without any milk. It will come into crumble mixture. This will take 20-22 mins approx. Now add the cardamom, cashew nuts mix well and take it down. Allow to cool for 10-12 mins. 

Make small balls and roll into the dessicated coconut and allow to cool completely before serving. 
