How to sprout Moong or Green gram

How to sprout moong or whole green gram at home in one day or 24 hours? 

Easy way to sprout the healthy green gram at home in one or two days. 

Sprouts or germinated contain vitamins, such as A, B, C and E, and essential fatty acid nutrients increase in sprouting and minerals bind to protein, making them more easily absorbed. Sprouts alkalize the body and protect it from disease including cancer. Sprouted seeds, grains, legumes or nuts help support cell regeneration. 


Soak the desired quantity (note the quantity doubles after soaking) of moong dal or whole green gram in 3 times the water in a large vessel for 5-6 hours. Drain the water and put it in a strainer and leave it aside for all the water to drain out. 

Then put the grains without any water in a Casserole and close the lid tightly. Leave it aside for 24 hours for long sprouts or use it after 12 or 15 hours with little sprouts. 

Cook dishes as needed in any recipe. Or make delicious salad, by adding grated coconut, chopped onions, chillies, tomato with salt and pepper. 
