Vanilla Custard home made recipe

How to make Vanilla Custard at home

Basic custard recipe with ingredients at home... 

You can use this and make multiple recipes. Custard when served cold tastes nice.

Here I served with mangoes and raspberry jelly.

Full cream Milk - 4 cups
Corn flour - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 6 to 8 tbsp (usee according to your taste)
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Yellow food colour a pinch (optional)

Firstly take 1/2 cup milk separately and boil the rest of the milk on a medium flame in a thick Bottom pan.
While the milk is boiling, mix the corn flour with the half cup milk and make a slurry.
Add sugar to the boiled milk, in low flame stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
Add the vanilla essence and food colour, give a good mix.
Then add the corn flour slurry and with a whisk Or big spoon keep stirring slowly on a low flame until the corn flour cooks.
It would take 2-3 minutes, the mixture thickens. To check, see that the mixture is sticking to back of the spoon.
Switch off the stove and cover with a thick kitchen towel so that it doesn't form the thick layer on top.
Your Custard sauce is ready. Make custard and let it cool before you put it to refrigerator.
You can also add fruit purees like mango puree, apple puree or apple sauce, banana puree, strawberry puree etc to the sauce to make different flavours.
Mix and refrigerate. When using fruits, especially very sweet fruits, reduce the amount of sugar in the basic custard sauce recipe.
