Bombay Halwa or Corn flour halwa

How to make Bombay Halwa or Karachi Halwa

Easy quick recipe of Karachi Halwa or Corn flour Halwa

It's a yummy sweet, which can be made in a jiffy, and kids and the elders will love this sweet as it's soft and melts in mouth.

Corn flour - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup for dissolving the flour
Ghee - 1/4th cup
Cashews  - 2tbsp
Cardamom powder 1tsp

Sugar syrup:
1 cup. Sugar
1/2 (half) cup water
1 tsp lemon juice
Orange or yellow food colour few drops

Some almonds, cashews, pista finely cut (I didn't use it here)

  1. Mix the cornflour and water in a bowl and keep aside.
  2. Boil the sugar and water in a thick bottom non-stick pan. Add lemon juice, food colour, cardamom powder, and mix nicely. Immediately add the cornflour slurry, before adding stir it once as the flour would have settled down. And start mixing nicely on a medium flame.
  3. Once it starts to thicken, lower the flame and mix nicely. Add half of the ghee and stir nicely so that the ghee should mix well with the flour and turns glossy. Once you don't see the ghee on sides, add the rest of the ghee and cashew nuts and mix again for a few minutes until the ghee is mixed well.
  4. Meanwhile, grease a deep plate with ghee and keep it ready.
  5. Spread the mixture once done into the plate and tap well. Garnish with the dry fruits and pat a little with a spatula or back of a spoon.
Allow it to cool for 2-3 hours completely and then cut into the shapes.
