How to make Coconut easy and quick method

Wondering what to make for a quick sweet if you have guests at tea time or do you have loads of coconut at home. Don't worry, here's a simple, quick and yet delicious recipe to greet your taste buds.

My children and hubby loved it so much that they finished it 4 to 5 in few seconds and the case was same with me too, I couldn't resist myself :P

I bet your children and family will love it too.

How to make Coconut Laddoo??

Coconut laddoo using milkmaid

Delicious Coconut Laddoo

  • Grated coconut (fresh) - 4 cups + 4 tbsp for rolling in the laddoos at the end
  • OR if you do not have fresh - you can even use the grated coconut (frozen) or non frozen ones too which is available in the super markets readily
  • Milk maid - 1 big tin - which is around 400 gms.
  • Elaichi powder - 1 tsp
  • Chopped nuts - 1 handful (almonds/cashews/pistas) - optional
  • Firstly, if the coconut is fresh, put the gratings in a non-stick pan and heat it for few minutes until the moisture evaporates and then add the milkmaid to the coconut with elaichi powder. If you are using dry coconut powder/ gratings from the store, you can put together this and the milkmaid in the pan and start heating.
  • Once the mixture is heated, reduce the fire and on a low flame keep stirring continuously, until it leaves the pan and becomes a lump like mixture. This is very important as the coconut will not taste good if it burns. This may take around 5-7 minutes.
  • Once it forms a lump, add the dry fruits/nuts and mix it over, take it off the stove, and allow it to cool.
  • Once it cools down to handle, make small balls to form laddoos and roll in the remaining coconut gratings, and allow it to cool completely and then store it in airtight containers and then refrigerate. It can stay upto 3-4 days.
