Benefits of Amla or Indian Gooseberry

Amla or Indian gooseberry is popular since decades due to its nutritional benefits. In India, this fruit is used in making pickles, chutneys, jams and murabbas. Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients which provide an array of health and beauty benefits.

Amla Benefits
  • Twenty times as much vitamin C as orange juice.This vitamin improves the tannins that are required to shield heat and light. During summer season, this juice keeps your skin cool by sorting out heat from the body. It also acts as a shield against radiation by protecting you against the harmful UV rays.
  • Solve the problem of Mouth ulcers & Good for Oral Health. Daily intake of amla juice wards off bad breath and strengthens teeth. Gargling with a mixture of water and amla juice can provide relief from painful mouth ulcers.
  • Reduce arthritis pain .The anti-inflammatory properties in amla juice help in reducing the swelling in the joints caused by arthritis. By reducing inflammation, it also protects and eases the tissues of the digestive tract.
  • Relieve stress & therefore cure sleep disorders like the insomnia. Amla juice is effective in curing insomnia. All you need to do is take fresh amla juice with a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg; and experience a sound and peaceful sleep.
  • Improving eyesight.Regular intake of amla juice helps in improving eyesight and nearsightedness as well as controls the onset of cataracts. It also minimizes intramuscular tension. It counters problems like reddening, itching and watering of eyes.
  • Controls Diabetes
    Amla juice taken with turmeric powder and honey helps in controlling diabetes.
  • Relieves Asthma And Bronchitis Drinking amla juice with honey twice daily can relieve asthma and bronchitis complications. It also reduces the incidence of chronic cough, allergic asthma and tuberculosis.
  • Burns Fat. Amla juice can cure obesity by increasing protein levels which in turn helps in reducing unwanted fat. It has the ability to create a positive nitrogen balance. It reduces the cholesterol levels, thus minimizing the risk of heart attacks.
  • Relieves Constipation And Piles. Amla juice helps in relieving constipation caused due to piles. It also regulates the bowel movements and cures chronic constipation.
  • Treatment of Gastric Disorders. Amla juice is great treatment for gastric disorders and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen).It is a good remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. Besides piles and constipation, it helps maintain healthy liver functions. Amla juice is effective in treating peptic ulcers and acidity. If you have acidity problems, you can take amla juice with pure ghee everyday twice a day.
  • Blood Purifier. Amla juice acts as a blood purifier by flushing out toxins from the body. Regular intake of this juice purifies your blood as well as helps increase hemoglobin and red blood cell counts. Amla strengthens the lungs, the respiratory system and the central nervous system of our body.
