Health benefits of the millets!

Known for its healthy attributes, millet enjoys a special place in the Indian cuisine as a health food.

Rich in protein and amino acids and other vital nutrients that help build a strong immune system and help in body's metabolism, millet is said to be a healthy alternative when it comes to thinking healthy diet. Grains such as barley, bajra, ragi and jowar come under the millet family. And each grain has its own nutritional benefits and significance.

Whole grain barley is said to be rich in amino acids vital for body's functioning and is also rich in trace elements such as magnesium, potassium etc. Recommended for people facing sugar issues and weight problems, barley is known as one healthy alternative to good health.

Ragi is another millet which widely finds use in Indian food. There are various ways in which ragi is prepared. Ragi dosas being the latest fad. Ragi, too is known for its health benefits as it is said to be rich in protein and high in calcium and iron content.

Bajra, a widely used grain across India, is protein rich and is fully loaded with minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Also considered a good source of iron and calcium, bajra finds its use in Indian recipes like bajre ki roti.

The magic of millet lies in its nutritional properties. Used in multi grain attas or otherwise, millet is essential to staying healthy.
