20 Best foods to improve women's health

Do women really need to follow a different diet than men? Yes, nutritional needs for women are different from men due to various hormonal changes at each stage of their lives.

Women are likely to osteoporosis, hot flashes, menopause, menstrual cycle and breast cancer. Therefore these 20 foods will keep you energized, beautiful and healthy. 

Whole grains
Whole grains like brown rice, bran flakes, whole-grain breads and quinoa are very high in fiber. They also help to prevent various common digestive problems. A clean digestive track can prevent flatulence, colon cancer, constipation and can boost your energy levels.

Ladies, if you want to slow down your ageing process, then blueberries holds the key to an amazing anti-ageing property, called asanthocyanins. Blueberries also help to prevent memory loss, improve motor skills and help to lower blood pressure. They are also high in antioxidants which reduce free radicals and fight wrinkles.

Eat at least one cup of blueberries without guilt as they include only 80 calories.

Yogurt is one of the oldest health boosting foods which you should include at least 3-5 servings per week. Yoghurt is filled with "probiotics" - bacteria which helps to in digestions, reducing inflammation and builds immunity. A recent study showed that it also helps in lowering the risk of breast cancer.

Yoghurt is loaded with bone strengthening component - calcium, which women need at every age. It also helps in reducing problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory digestive tract disorders, stomach ulcers and vaginal infections. Opt for low-fat yoghurt if you are a little health-conscious.

Parmesan cheese
Parmesan is a good source for calcium content that you can add your daily to your diet especially if you are watching your weight. Parmesan Cheese is lactose-free, easy to digest and it is rich in phosphate which helps in metabolism of carbohydrates and muscle contraction.

Oats supplement women is more ways than one, and having oats for breakfast is a great start to your day. Women need oats because it lowers your cholesterol, it is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, and you don't feel hungry which helps you to control your weight. Weight loss, cholesterol and digestion are the three major contributing factors from oats.

All women should add in this ripe, juicy and lycopene rich food in their diet. Tomatoes help in preventing breast and cervical cancers. Tomatoes also promote heart health as it protects you against cardiovascular disease.

Milk is very beneficial for everyone and especially to women's health. It is high in calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and potassium. Milk also gives you a glowing skin, promotes healthy bones and teeth. Apparently milk can lower the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

Bananas are high in potassium which helps in the body's circulatory system and efficiently delivers oxygen to the brain. Bananas are a great source of natural energy as it is rich in various vitamins, minerals and carbs. Bananas also promote bowel health and can also relieve you from constipation.

Lean beef
Lean beef is rich in iron which helps in easy transportation of oxygen from your lungs to various cells of your body. Women need high doses of iron content especially during childbearing and menstruation period. But make sure the beef is lean meat which makes it high in protein content and low in fat.

Cranberries contain a compound known as proanthocyanidins which helps to prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. A natural way to prevent urinary tract infections but it can promote heart health.

Broccoli contains various chemicals that helps prevent breast cancer. It is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, it is low in calorie, fills you up quickly too. In addition, broccoli also includes high dose of fiber, calcium, iron and potassium.

Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which play a vital role in promoting the health of the membrane of every cell in the body. It also helps to protect us against various health problems like heart disease, stroke, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

This red fruit is filled with quercetin - an antioxidant which can boost your body's disease-fighting abilities and your brain power. Apples are good for those who want to shed down some kilos, as it helps to satisfy your hunger in just few calories.

This tiny nut is loaded with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating just a handful of walnuts will help to lower cholesterol, boosts your brain power, give you better sleep, relieves you from stress, promotes heart health to name a few. Walnuts make an interesting ingredient for desserts.

Flaxseeds are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and disease-fighting compounds called lignans. This is one of the best ingredients for women as it can help to cut down hot flashes, lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It also helps in fighting against breast cancer.

Water is essential for all metabolic processes in the human's body and almost 75% of our body is composed with water. Water improves energy, removes toxins and waste products from our body, and keeps the skin healthy and radiant. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses a day helps in digestion and weight loss.

This crunchy, orange vegetable is a good source for complex carbs that provide energy to muscles, potassium to control blood pressure and muscle contractions. It is also rich in vitamin A, which helps in promoting beautiful skin, prevents cancer and slows down ageing.

Avocados are rich in the heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which can actually help you lose belly fat. Avocados are also rich in potassium, magnesium, folate, protein, and vitamins B6, E, and K.

Dark chocolate
Who doesn't love chocolate? But dark chocolate is rich in heart-protective antioxidants which can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. It is also loaded with bone strengthening compounds like magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and phosphorus. Dark chocolate can hydrate your skin, lowers blood pressure and boosts your memory.

Green tea
Green tea helps to fight cancer and heart disease, prevent dementia, diabetes and stroke. It hydrates your body just like water hence helps fight fatigue.
