Juicing Tips

  • Choose fruit and vegetables that are in season. The longer they are left to mature, the more nutrients and juice they contain. Unripe fruit tends to be more acidic and higher in starch.
  • Choose organic where possible - you can be sure that it will be healthy and full of nutrients. If you can't get organic produce, remove all peel to avoid chemical pesticides.
  • Some fruits and vegetables contain more juice than others - a good rule of thumb is the denser the vegetable, the less the juice. So try combining these with softer, juicier fruits.
  • Try juicing a mixture of fruits and vegetables for interesting and delicious cocktails.
  • As juices are so rich in nutrients, it is advisable to stick to a selection of just a few ingredients - between 3 and 5 - to ensure that your body doesn't get overloaded with great nutrients that it can't process in a short space of time
  • It is recommended that your drink no more than 16 ounces of pure undiluted juice each week. Any more may affect health issues such as diabetes, reactive hypoglycaemia etc as fruit and vegetables are almost instantly absorbed by the body. If you suffer from any of these, try sticking to vegetable juices, diluting them with plenty of water.
  • Always wash fruit and vegetables well in running water and remove any damaged areas before juicing.
  • If you are juicing enough for whole day, keep the juice covered and in the coldest part of the refrigerator, but do not freeze to ensure the nutrients are retained.
  • Fruit pulp is a useful source of insoluble fibre. Try scraping a little of pulp and add back into your juice. Or you may juice the whole apple, with the skin to provide your body with the soluble fibre, pectin.
