Fruit packs for glowing face

This is in continuation with my 'Juicing' post. With a juicer, there's no waste - you can even use the leftover pulp for tasty, fibre-full snacks. Carrot pulp is a perfect substitute for carrots in carrot cake. You can use it to thicken some some sauce. Add beetroot pulp to tomato sauce or minced meat for more taste. Leftover pulp can also be used as face masks. Try the below -

Watermelon mask - for pimples and blackheads
Juice 1 thick slice of watermelon and combine the pulp with 1 tbsp fresh milk and 2 tbsp gram flour. Blend until smooth. Apply to your face for 20 minutes rinse off. Your skin will be clean and your pores will look smaller.

Pineapple and apple mask - gentle exfolliant
Juice 100 gm pineapple and 40 gm apple. Add 5 gm oats and blend until smooth. Apply for 10 minutes; rinse. The fruit acids actively stimulate cell renewal. With the gentle exfoliating effect of the oats, it leaves you with a smoother, healthier looking complexion.

So, go ahead and face the day with these fruit packs and be a true natural beauty...
