Carrot, Apple & Cucumber juice

A healthy juice to start your day along with your breakfast.

7 carrots, trimmed
2 apples (peeled, cored)
1 cucumber (peeled)

Process all the fruit and vegetables in the juicer, mix well and serve immediately. 
Serves 2 glasses.

This juice will cleanse and rejuvenate your body.

  • ·        Beta-carotene makes it a rich source of Vitamin A. It also helps improve the immune system. The abundance of Vitamin A in carrot juice can help improve your sight and the daily intake can prevent the onset of heart diseases and strokes. Vitamin A in addition keeps the lining of the internal organs healthy in order to prevent it from being infected by pathogenic organisms.
  • ·        The potassium present in carrot juice can reduce cholesterol levels. It is good for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in it.
  • ·        Vitamin K present in carrot juice helps blood to clot.      
  • ·        According to research apple juice is one of the best diets that baby boomers and senior citizens can include in their diet. For senior citizens suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, drinking apple juice is a must.
  • ·        Cucumbers are a good source of Vitamin B and rehydrates body and replenishes daily vitamins.
  • ·        Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which has been found to be beneficial to diabetic patients.
  • ·        Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and keeps the gum healthy.

But for the women, carrot juice is not just about good health, but also about looking beautiful. It contains –
  • ·        Potassium which helps reduce skin dryness and reduce scars and blemishes. It helps prevent acne by detoxifying your body.
  • ·        It also helps reduce skin related problems like eczema which is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A, dermatitis and rashes.
