Get Beautiful Dandruff Free Hair In 4 Weeks

In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. If you are facing hair problems then somewhere it’s the result of unfavorable lifestyle. Today, more than 50 percent of women are facing dandruff problems. Dandruff is itchy, irritating and makes scalp either greasy or completely dry and damaged. It also creates skin problems like acne, rashes and can lead to low self-esteem as well. But worry not because here are some really cool tips that will make your hair dandruff free. Change your brush/comb Yes, you heard it right. A brush or a comb plays a vital role in causing major hair related problems. Hair is the most delicate part of our body. Rough brushing causes blisters on scalp and leads to scalp infection. Basic hygiene is very important in hair care. Soak your brush in hot water and add some antiseptic lotion. This process will clean the dust and kill all the chances of infection. Also, do not share your hair equipment with anyone. Limited use of styling gels/petroleum jelly Spare your hair from greasy gels or lotions as they are really harmful. They contain substance that makes a water and air proof barrier on scalp. In hot weather, our scalp skin sweats and as the air cannot enter, the greasiness remains sticking to it. As a result scalp gets infected and causes dandruff. Wash your Hair Regularly Regular use of shampoo is necessary to clean all the dirt from skin. Working women are more prone to dandruff, due to the weather conditions outside. For daily use, buy a shampoo that is gentle on scalp. Protein Conditioning Shampoos are really good for daily usage as it will have soya protein and almond oil. Soya protein works on the scalp, nourishes and cleans it and almond, again is good for flaky dandruff problems. Use Products with Rosemary Essence If despite regular shampooing, dandruff persists,then strong dandruff needs something stronger. Rosemary is known to combat serious dandruff problems. Rosemary stimulates follicles and deters graying of hair and dryness that causes dandruff. Use this three way process that would solve the eternal problem of dandruff. • Dandruff control shampoo: Wash your hair with a shampoo with rosemary oil. Check the label behind for the ingredients. There is a good range of hair care products in the market. A Shampoo with rosemary oil and menthol is very effective on dandruff prone scalp. • Dandruff control conditioner: After shampooing, always apply a conditioner (preferably with rosemary extracts). This will stop dandruff from coming back. Try and use the same brand conditioner as shampoo. The two way action gives best results. • Rosemary Oil: Mix small proportion of rosemary oil in base oil and gently massage with fingers. Wrap a hot wet towel and leave for few minutes and shampoo afterwards. Along with these above solutions, do eat a healthy diet and Stay Happy. And be sure, dandruff will never come back again.
