Kitchen tips - 3

1. Never beat idli batter too much because the air which has already incorporated during fermentation is lost.
2. Cooking sour food (tamarind/lemon based) in non-stick ware reduces its durability and the coating is likely to peel off sooner.
3. Deodorize cutting board by rubbing it with a paste of baking soda and water.
4. Spread a little hot oil in your new utensils and rub with a half cut onion thoroughly. The utensils will not burn easily.
5. Try grating a raw potato after the cheese. The potato clears the gummy cheese out of the holes.
6. Fish smell tends to linger on the pots and pans long after the cooking. Brew some tea (for ten to fifteen minutes) in the pot/pan in which fish has been cooked. Discard tealeaves and water. Fish smell will disappear.
7. Used milk glasses should be rinsed with cold water instead of hot water before washing, as hot water cooks the milk and makes them harder to clean.
8. Keep a square of sandpaper in your kitchen, it will give you a better grip on those hard to open jars.
9. When making green banana wafers use a potato peeler to produce the thinnest slices.
10. Soak walnuts in salted water overnight before cracking them in order to get the whole kernels.
11. If only a drop of lemon juice is required, pierce the lemon with a knitting needle and squeeze. The lemon can be kept indefinitely as the hole closes again.
12. To clean copper pots, sprinkle a little salt, rub with the cut side of a halved lemon and rinse with water.
13. Vinegar brought to a boil in a new frying pan will prevent foods from sticking.
14. If the vegetables are not fresh, soak them in cold water to which a little lemon juice has been added. They will become fresh again.
15. To prevent the burning sensation after grinding chillies dip the hands in cold milk.
16. While cutting hard-boiled eggs, the egg yolk often tends to break. To avoid this dip the knife in cold water for a few seconds and then cut smoothly.
17. Use kitchen scissors to chop fresh mint, chillies and coriander finely and without any mess.
18. For cleaning vessels add a handful of common salt to the washing powder for better results.
19. The microwave oven should not be used without any food in it as this could cause damage.
20. If mushrooms are very large, the stalks are likely to be tough; therefore they should be discarded. Always tear rather than cut oyster mushrooms.
21. Soak burnt pans in a solution of ammonia and water, for an hour. Clean with used lemon and then with soap and water. They will sparkle again.
22. In order that there is a free circulation of air in the freezer ensure that it is not packed tightly.
23. Muffins will slide right out of tin pans if the hot pan is first placed on a wet towel.
24. To remove tea or coffee stains from pots or cups, rub the stained area with a little salt and rinse afterwards.
