Cooking tips

* Use crushed vermicelli to coat your cutlets for a change. The cutlets will have a nest-like appearance.
* Onions will boil faster if you make X-shaped cuts in the root ends.
* A pinch of turmeric powder and a teaspoon full of ghee added to dal before pressure-cooking it will give it a better flavour.
* To roll out the perfect bhatura, roll out small portions of he maida dough into small puris, cover with a damp cloth. Roll them out to the desired size just before frying. The dough will be elastic, makes rolling more efficient.
* Curry leaves used in any dish are usually discarded. To prevent this, here is a simple idea. In about one to two teaspoons of oil, fry washed curry leaves till crisp. Now, crush with hands or coarsely powder in a mixie. Store this curry powder in an air-tight bottle and use it to flavour gravies, chutneys, idli batter, etc.
* If you are making an apple and banana fruit salad, add a pinch of crushed mustard seeds. It will prevent the fruits from turning black and also help retain their flavour.
* Add a small piece of beetroot while making tomato puree, it will give it a bright red colour.
* If you have stale ghee do not throw it away. You can freshen it by boiling it with a little yogurt – two tablespoons of yogurt to half a kilo of ghee. Cool, strain and use it again.
* If brown sugar has hardened, do not despair. Just place it in a bowl, cover it with a clean, damp cloth and leave overnight. Next morning you will find it softened.
* If you want your yogurt firm and thick, place a small slit green chilli in warm milk while setting it.
* The best way to clean cauliflower florets before cooking is to soak them in water mixed with a little vinegar for about fifteen minutes. This not only removes the dirt but also kills the insects. Rinse in fresh water and use for cooking.
* If you want to store eggs without refrigeration just keep them immersed in lime water.
* To freshen up shriveled vegetables, keep them immersed in cold water to which drops of lemon juice have been added for about an hour.
* To make peeling of boiled potatoes easy, add a little bit of salt to the water before boiling.
* You can replace sweetened, condensed milk or mawa with skimmed milk thickened with wheat flour or arrowroot powder to make desserts less calorific.
* It is healthier to garnish soups with popcorn in place of fried croutons.
* If using desiccated coconut in place of fresh coconut, soak it in a bowl with equal proportions of warm milk and water for about half an hour and then grind. It will taste as good as ground fresh coconut.
* Add a few pieces of raw mango while cooking bitter gourd. It will not only remove the bitterness but also add to the flavour of the curry.
* A tablespoon of honey added to meat before cooking improves its taste and flavour.
