Storing Tips

1. After bananas have ripened, store in the refrigerator to help slow down ripening. The skin will turn dark brown, but this does not damage the fruit inside.
2. Put two to three cloves in the container or jar of sugar to keep the ants at bay.
3. Set lemon juice with sugar and a little salt in ice trays to make cubes which can be used to make instant lemonade.
4. Dry fifty grams of mint leaves, powder them and add to ten kilograms of rice. Not only will the mint leaves keep insects at bay, they will also impart a delicious flavour to the rice when cooked.
5. Put chips and biscuits in a polythene bag and store them in a refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time.
6. Tie the shelled green peas in a cloth and dip in boiling water for three minutes. Then dip in chilled water for three minutes. Dry under the fan till the extra moisture is removed and then pack into airtight jars or sealed packets. Freeze and use when peas are out of season.
7. Coriander leaves will stay fresh if placed in a polythene bag and stored in the fridge.
8. If you have peeled extra potatoes, keep them dipped in water and store in the refrigerator. They will remain for a couple of days.
7. Storing flour in an airtight container and refrigerating it doubles their storage time.
8. Put two to three cloves in the sugar to keep ants at bay.
9. To prevent ice-trays from sticking to the freezer surface sprinkle a little salt on the surface of the freezer before placing the ice-trays.
10. While storing green chillies, remove the stems. This will help the chilies to stay fresh for a longer time.
11. Potatoes rot quickly if stored near onions therefore store them separately.
12. Store eggs in a carton and place in the refrigerator itself rather than on the door.
13. Stale bread should not be discarded, instead toast the bread and powder it in a mixer. Store these breadcrumbs in an airtight container. It can be used for coating food items that are deep-fried to give a crisp outer covering.
14. To make vinegar last twice as much, divide the vinegar in two bottles and add water, which has been boiled. After a week it will come up to full strength again.
15. To ripen bananas quickly keep them wrapped in a paper bag in a dark place.
16. When putting meat joint in the fridge cover it with foil to prevent it from drying.
17. Sandwiches will keep fresh and moist if put in a polyethylene bag or wrapped in waxed paper or in aluminum foil.
18. Fresh yeast should be stored in the refrigerator or should be frozen or else it will lose its effectiveness with age.
19, Salad dressings should always be kept at room temperature and not in the refrigerator as chilling deadens its flavour.
20. If fish is to be stored for more than a day, clean it thoroughly, rub it with salt and turmeric powder before freezing. You can also use vinegar if you like its flavour.
21. Mix in fifteen to twenty cloves with every kilogram of dal while storing to prevent it from being attacked by insects. The same cloves can be reused.
