Yam 150 gms
Ash gourd 150 gms
Raw bananas 2 nos
Drumsticks 2 nos
Potato 1 no
Shelled peas 1/2 cup
Sour curds 1 cup
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves Few
Coconut oil 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Coconut ½
Green chillies 6 -7 nos
Cummin seeds 1 tsp.

Grind together the coconut, green chillies and cummin seeds to make a fine paste, adding very little water.Mix the curd to the ground paste and keep aside. Peel and chop all the vegetables into 3-inch lengths. Cook the vegetables separately with very little water in a heavy-bottomed vessel. Mix all the cooked vegetables together with salt and turmeric powder. Add the paste and heat through, taking care to prevent curdling. Add the 1/4 cup coconut oil and curry leaves and mix well. Do not heat. Serve hot with rice
