Rose Cookie - Christmas Special


1/2 Kg Maida
Eggs 6
Sugar to taste
1/2 a coconut for milk
a pinch of salt to counter act the Sugar
Oil for Deep frying
Cake Seeds 1 Tbsp

Scrape the coconut & extract the milk, beat the eggs well - keep aside. Take the Maida sieve it place in a bowl add the eggs, sugar, salt cake seeds & keep mixing using the coconut milk little at a time to make a fine smooth batter like for Dosas - keep aside.
To make the Rose Cookies: Take a wok (Kadai) pour the oil kept for deep frying place on heat, now place the mould into the oil & keep it immersed when the mould is very hot, remove from the oil & lightly dip half way only into the batter & put it back into the oil - wait for a second & start shaking the mould, the Cookie will leave the Mould -fry the cookie on both sides till golden brown remove & drain; then let it cool before you store them in air tight containers.
